Dual-Arm Industrial Robot
NEXTAGE liberates human beings from menial repetitive labor, allowing them to focus on areas that require creativity and generate added value, such as process management and improvement activities.
Head cameras
Both cameras are fixed on the head and allow the robot a global vision, detecting any change in the working environment to adapt itself without realignment. These life-like eyes allow it to respond instantly to the demands of the production line or to automatically perform simple tasks. The robot can also assess 3D coordinates determined by positioned origins allowing it to maneuver easily under changing light conditions.
Hand cameras
These two hand cameras perform a three-dimensional capture of the object using the entire stroke of the arms.
Grippers and their supports
Specific grippers are developed and manufactured by the Rollomatic HumanoidPower division according to your specific application, regardless of the number of operations. NEXTAGE® is able to change and store its grippers itself as needed.
Secure design
The 15 axes consist of low power motors, maximum 80 watts. Easily visible LEDs on the shoulders indicate the status of the NEXTAGE® robot.
The NEXTAGE NXA humanoid robot is the perfect solution for your medical processes and frees you from repetitive and tedious tasks.
- Manufacturer: Kawada Robotics Corporation, Japan
- Fully equipped: 15 axis (6/arm, 2 head, 1 waist)
- 4 integrated video cameras: Color and shape recognition
- Motion range ±180° : Repeatability ±30 microns
- Payload 3 kg/hand (hand included): Easily movable application change (casters)

Plug and Play Application
HumanoidPower supports the customer and helps to find solutions at all levels of the project, either for the replacement of existing applications or for any improvement projects. HumanoidPower advises, develops, supports, trains, and installs all systems necessary for the robot to operate effectively.

Several training courses are available from the HumanoidPower department to help customers program the robot and provide the necessary support until the end of the project.
We welcome the opportunity to be a part of your success!
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